Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+... You've probably got these. Every air show and performer has social media but staying relevant and effective in the constantly shifting social media world can be tricky. We keep ourselves up on the latest in social trends, changing site algorithms, paid advertising best practices, and emerging social sites by constant education and daily use for most of our clients. We have been recognized as social media experts and served as panelists on several ICAS social media educational seminars.

Oregon International Air Show Social Media
Oregon International Air Show Social Media
Thunder Over Michigan Social Media
Vectron Dayton Airshow Social Media
John Cudahy
"During the last twenty years, the cost - and the financial risk - of organizing an air show has increased dramatically. One indication of professionalization of our business is that fewer and fewer shows feel comfortable leaving the promotion of the event in the hands of a volunteer. They're hiring people like Herb Gillen, an ICAS member from Columbus, Ohio who runs his own agency. Herb did some work for the Vectren Dayton Air Show and discovered that there is a pressing need for precisely his kind of expertise. He's committed his company to air show marketing and enjoyed considerable success. More importantly to all of us, his work has raised the bar and further professionalized our business."
John Cudahy
President - International Council of Air Shows