"One of the most successful decisions I have made in the eleven years of producing the Thunder Over Michigan Air Show was to bring the Herb Gillen Agency on board with our event. Herb Gillen and his talented staff bring numerous innovative and cost-effective marketing strategies to the table. His company's ability to leverage our advertising and marketing budget was simply outstanding! Not to mention, the promotional products they produced were some of the most eye-catching graphics and visuals I have ever seen. Record crowds, record sales, record profits...need we say more?"
Kevin T. Walsh
Air Show Director - Thunder Over Michigan Air Show, Thunder Over Utah Air Show, Yankee Air Museum
Design Services
While we believe that all design should be based on solid strategy, we get excited to create mind-blowing air show design. Air shows are exciting and it is important to convey that excitement in the design of your marketing materials.
We are proud to have received more than 30 ICAS Marketing Awards for our work for shows and performers. Whether you need a logo, Web site, e-mail marketing, posters, brochures, newspaper/magazine ads, billboards, social media, souvenir programs or any other designed material, we can help your marketing soar!